Solar Panel Lead-Acid Batteries Charger Schematic
This Batteries Charger is advised for charging closed lead-acid batteries with a solar console in baby and carriageable applications. The accepted diode that prevents the array from absolution through the solar console has been replaced by a FET-comparator combination.
The batteries charger will stop charging already a pre-set voltage (temperature compensated) has been reached, and recommence charging aback the voltage has alone off sufficiently. The amount is broken aback the array voltage drops beneath 11V and reconnected aback it gets aback to 12.5V.
The batteries charger ambit has the afterward features:
* Charges until Vbat = 13.8V (adjustable), again float charges;
* Shuts bottomward amount aback Vbat < 11V (adjustable), resets at 12.5V;
* Temperature compensation;
* Will assignment with bargain and readily accessible apparatus like LM393 comparators and BUZ11 FETs;
* Uses beneath than 0.5mA aback application TLC393 comparators;
* Burns beneath than 20mW in FETs aback charging at 0,5A. (More big-ticket FETs with a lower RDSON will crop alike bigger results). Note that the charging accepted is bound alone by the solar console used.