The aboriginal affair you charge accept in your workshop/lab is ability supply. In experimenting abounding new cyberbanking ambit design, it is easier if you accept a adjustable adjustable ability supply. Here is an adjustable 0-30 volts ability accumulation design. The ambit schematic diagram is apparent below.
The amount of the ambit is 723 voltage regulator chip circuit. A Darlington brace Q2 Q3 addition the accepted to accord 1A output. The minimum voltage acclimation for this regulator IC is 2 volts aloft V-. Aught volt is accomplished by bartering the V- with a voltage beneath -2V, so the achievement can be adapted to zero. The abrogating accumulation is provided by the apparatus about D3 and D4, counterbalanced by 5.1 Zener diode.
The capricious resistor R3 is acclimated to set the accepted limiter, so your ability accumulation will be save alike back you abbreviate its achievement to ground. To set the aught point, about-face the R11 potentiometer to minimum (counter clockwise) and acclimatize the R12 trimmer potentiometer until the achievement is zero. After this setting, axis the R11 potentiometer to the best will accord about 30V output. If at the best position the achievement is abate than 30V, it’s acceptable acquired by the apparatus tolerance, you can lower the R10 value. Make abiding you use beyond clue for arena affiliation on the PCB, and accommodate acceptable calefaction bore for Q3.
The amount of the ambit is 723 voltage regulator chip circuit. A Darlington brace Q2 Q3 addition the accepted to accord 1A output. The minimum voltage acclimation for this regulator IC is 2 volts aloft V-. Aught volt is accomplished by bartering the V- with a voltage beneath -2V, so the achievement can be adapted to zero. The abrogating accumulation is provided by the apparatus about D3 and D4, counterbalanced by 5.1 Zener diode.
The capricious resistor R3 is acclimated to set the accepted limiter, so your ability accumulation will be save alike back you abbreviate its achievement to ground. To set the aught point, about-face the R11 potentiometer to minimum (counter clockwise) and acclimatize the R12 trimmer potentiometer until the achievement is zero. After this setting, axis the R11 potentiometer to the best will accord about 30V output. If at the best position the achievement is abate than 30V, it’s acceptable acquired by the apparatus tolerance, you can lower the R10 value. Make abiding you use beyond clue for arena affiliation on the PCB, and accommodate acceptable calefaction bore for Q3.
The parts list:
Item | Quantity | Reference | Part |
1 | 1 | C1 | 470uF/63V |
2 | 1 | C2 | 470uF/40V |
3 | 1 | C3 | 2200uF/63V |
4 | 1 | C4 | 100uF/35V |
5 | 1 | C5 | 1nF |
6 | 1 | D1 | 5V1 |
7 | 1 | D2 | 33V |
8 | 4 | D3,D4,D5,D6 | 1N4001 |
9 | 1 | D7 | DIODE BRIDGE |
10 | 1 | D8 | LED |
11 | 1 | F1 | 1.5A |
12 | 1 | J1 | PLUG AC MALE |
13 | 1 | Q1 | BC557B |
14 | 1 | Q2 | BC141 |
15 | 1 | Q3 | Q2N3055 |
16 | 1 | R1 | 560R |
17 | 1 | R2 | 2k2/1W |
18 | 2 | R3,R5 | 2k2 |
19 | 2 | R10,R6 | 1k2 |
20 | 1 | R8 | 100R |
21 | 1 | R9 | 0R33/1W |
22 | 1 | R11 | POT 10k |
23 | 1 | R12 | VR 10k |
24 | 1 | R13 | VR 1k |
25 | 1 | T1 | 30V 1A |
26 | 1 | U1 | LM723 |